This "My peace message" campaign will pray for our posterities' future to be a peaceful one.

Measures to eliminate war from the world and achieve world peace

To the people of Japan and the people of the world,
“Let us stop fighting and cherish peace.”

Peace in the family,
Peace in the workplace,
Peace in the community,
Peace in Japan,
Peace in the world.

There is nothing more precious and valuable than peace, where people can live without conflict.

1.Let us avoid conflict with others, get along, and maintain harmonious relationships.

2.Let us avoid conflicts with other countries, promote peaceful diplomacy, and maintain harmonious international relations.

3.Human beings must not become creatures which conflict and make war.

4.Let us become advanced beings who love peace.

1.Current State of Various Countries in the World

・ Around the world, while each country verbally advocates for peace, within   their own borders, they are fearfully producing, developing, and stockpiling dangerous weapons of war one after another. They are also preparing for war so that they will not lose if a conflict arises. And, they are constantly engaging in dangerous standoffs with enemy nations.

・ The state insists to its citizens that it is necessary to defend the nation, and the citizens, after working hard to pay their precious taxes to the government, waste enormous amounts of money on dangerous and terrifying weapons and military equipment.

・ Globally, competition among nations in military expansion is escalating further. Countries openly oppose each other, accusing and criticizing each other’s political policies, refusing to respect them, and engaging in fierce competition to come out on top.

・ Around the world, countries that have similar stances form alliances and strengthen their relations, but with hostile nations, they are always in opposition, engaging in mutual dangerous standoffs.

・ Since the beginning of recorded history, humanity has not been able to eliminate conflict and war up to the present day. Far from disappearing, in recent years, disputes and wars have become even more intense. Moreover, there is an increasing danger of a third world war.

・ Humanity is not wise.

2.Measures to eliminate war and achieve world peace

・ Drastically reform the United Nations.

・ Strengthen the functions and authority of the United Nations beyond their current state.

・ The international community should negotiate based on the United Nations and cooperate in each country to address the various problems that arise worldwide within the framework of the United Nations. Using the United Nations’ resolutions as a foundation, countries should be guided by the power of the United Nations to protect world peace.

・ The current defense strategies of various countries:

① National defense is maintained by each country’s own strength.

② National defense is maintained through mutual cooperation among allied nations.
These outdated defense strategies, as in ① and ②, will never eliminate war from the world.

・ The world’s governance should not rely solely on the power of certain nations but instead should unite the power of all countries based on the United Nations to solve problems through global solidarity.

・ Create a United Nations military force.

・ If a war, civil war, or conflict breaks out, the United Nations military will quickly intervene to suppress it and restore order. They will act swiftly to prevent the occurrence of refugees.

・The necessary personnel and budget to establish the United Nations military should be determined through discussions among countries and shared according to each nation’s capacity.

・ All countries around the world should declare, through the United Nations, their commitment to achieving world peace and vow to renounce war.

・Each country must adopt and adhere to enforceable international laws (global rules) to achieve world peace.

・The international community must end past divisions and confrontations, and instead, build peaceful and cooperative international relations by working together, supporting each other, and creating a system of mutual assistance.

3.If each country in the world fundamentally reforms their current national defense strategies and unites them under the United Nations to form a globalized defense system, the results would be:

・ The current defense budgets of countries would be drastically reduced to 40% of their current levels.

・ The remaining 60% would be used to improve citizens’ lives, allowing them to live freely and prosperously.

・ With world peace achieved, global refugee and poverty issues would be fundamentally resolved.

・ The escalating arms race that has been intensifying in recent years could be brought to an end.

・ Fearsome nuclear weapons would become unnecessary, and the world would be free from the threat of nuclear annihilation.

・ Even if wars, civil wars, or conflicts break out anywhere in the world, they could be immediately suppressed.

・ World peace could be achieved.

・ A bright future for the survival of humanity and the continuation of humankind would be opened.

In the future, the international community faces a critical decision: whether to continue with the outdated defense methods we currently use and inevitably experience a third world war, or to recognize the need for change after experiencing such a catastrophe and transition to a new form of global defense. The international community must make a significant choice moving forward.

The peace and stability of the international community are vital, as they greatly influence the continued existence of humanity.

As long as humanity continues to exist, there is nothing more precious and noble than peace. We sincerely hope for the achievement of true world peace.

Peace Movement Founder
Hidetsugu Kasai

Tsu, Mie
TEL 059-226-9808